What is Proposed?
We would like to know your view on the initial proposals, what you think we should know about the site, the surrounding area, and how these points may influence any proposal for housing on the site.
We are proposing a residential development for 78 homes, with new roads and associated infrastructure and landscaping. The plan below, shows how the site could look.
The scheme will include:
A mix of house types and size
Vehicle access to be taken from Halfpenny Lane
Off-street car parking space for each property and provision for visitors
Private amenity space for each property
Landscape planting within the site and around boundaries
Communal areas of open space
This Layout Plan shows how the site could be developed. We are sharing this plan as a basis for discussion and are asking people who live and/or work in the area to help us to continue to shape the proposals prior to the submission of a full planning application.